Thursday, March 3, 2011

Book Sale

I've mentioned before that I am a book hound.

I have friends who are stocking up on food and honing their survival skills in case of a financial meltdown.  Instead of wondering what I would eat in such a case, I wonder how my children would get an education without a stockpile of books.  You know, in case the libraries have to shut down.  That's normal, right?  Anyway, financial meltdown or not, I like having the best books at our fingertips.

But, with all good things there is a limit, and I had decided that we had enough books.  My bargain book hunting obsession had to be curbed.  We had reached the book saturation point.

Despite my intentions, on a cold Saturday morning I found myself in a half-mile long line at 7:00 waiting for the doors to open on our areas best annual used book sale.  I only had a half hour to shop after the doors opened at 8 because my son had his last basketball of the season at 9:00 wwwaaayyy across town.

So much for resolve.

Here's what I find in just half an hour for $20.

I noticed after I put my camera away that I forgot to include my favorite find of the day in the above stack, which was a copy of this book:

D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths

That's one broken resolution I can feel good about.

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