Friday, August 17, 2012

Dear Old Golden Rule Days

The last time I posted, my son was a kindergartener.  In the blink of an eye, he's in second grade and the little sister is the kindergartener.  I think I'm overdue for a post.

We started our school year on Monday by returning to Classical Conversations ("CC"). Without CC, we might still be languishing in our summer schedule, which had dwindled down to not very much.  Since July 9, I've been planning to start our school year NEXT week.  But, each NEXT week slid into the next NEXT week with me hopelessly trying to get enough traction to actually begin.

Now, we're five days in, and it hasn't been as hard as I had expected, that getting back into a routine.  I think I've been helped by subtle changes out of doors....the early mornings in which it is too dark for a bike ride, the increased golden quality of the light, a seven-day forecast without temperatures in triple digits.

Maybe my school-days momentum will spill over into blogging.  I'm mentally kicking myself for not publicly recognizing the trips, the milestones, and the every-day of the past nearly two years.  For momentum's sake, I'm not going to take the time to recreate the past.  However, I will chronicle this particular milestone...the first bike ride sans training wheels...which happened on Sunday (the day before her first day of kindergarten).

It's important to color coordinate your outfit with your bike.  Don't you think?