Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year

A new year has arrived.  Oh, the possibilities!

There was nothing wrong with 2013.  Many blessings came our way during those twelve months.  I'm thankful to God for those.

Our little family celebrated the year's end with a game of Mexican Train, nacho cheese, jalapeno poppers and grape soda.

I played out around 8:30.  Pathetic.  When the neighbors shot of fireworks at midnight, I raised an eyelid then flopped over went back to sleep.

The dreamer and schemer in me sees a new year as a new chance to fulfill those familiar resolutions--the ones about weight loss and self-improvement and spiritual renewal.

I'll work on these old friends and most likely experience the same combination of success and failure as last year and the year before.  The important thing, I think, is to keep on striving.

During the striving, I'll keep on living and enjoying God's gifts.  This day number one has already brought one of my favorite blessings of the year, my book club's annual first-day brunch.  I grabbed my quiche and went to enjoy a few hours of food, friendship and books.

If this first day of 2014 is any indication.  It's going to be a great year.

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