A sampling of my good fortune |
One such friend, LC, is downsizing. She has schooled two children from kindergarten through high school graduation and has a third that is a sophomore in high school. She has an amazing collection of materials that she was keeping for her grand children. However, because of an impending move, she and her husband decided it was time to bless someone else with many of these books. She picked me! I told her I'd return her them when I'm done, but she declined and simply requested that I pass them on to someone else. Good idea, LC.
My old dad always used to ask, "Why would you buy a book when you can go to the library?" As something of a minimalist, I agreed with him...until I started homeschooling. That decision flipped a switch in my brain, and, now, I can not collect books fast enough. I consider this gift from LC to be a wonderful blessing.
Among the books are:
- ten or so Dover coloring books spanning many time periods and topics
- a collection of McGuffy's readers,
- several Usborne cut-out model books,
- eighteen audio tapes covering the lives of music of various composers from Handel to Sousa,
- and The Story of the Orchestra (a book on my wish list).